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customs duty [due] 關稅。

customs entry

In cases where provisions of other related laws and administrative regulations provide for refund of customs duties , the customs shall return the customs duties in line with the competent provisions 按照其他有關法律、行政法規規定應當退還關稅的,海關應當按照有關法律、行政法規的規定退稅。

Inbound or outbound articles registered with the customs and temporarily exempted from customs duty upon approval shall be brought out or into the territory again by the person on his own 第三十二條經海關登記準予暫時免稅進境或者暫時免稅出境的物品,應當由本人復帶出境或者復帶進境。

Produeres of customs duties on luggage , articles of passengers and personal postal articles entering into china shall be formulated by the committee of customs tariff under the state council separately 進境的旅客行李物品和個人郵遞物品征稅的辦法,由國務院關稅稅則委員長另行制訂。

The raw aterials ( including indirect materials and packaging materials ) and equipments without setting price that are needed to be imported for the processing trade shall be exempt from customs duty 加工貿易項目所需進口的原材料(包括輔料和包裝物料) 、不作價設備,免征關稅。

As one of the three supports of customs duty collection , evaluation is a management technology in forms , while reflecting a country ' s customs policy in the essence 價格準則是估價法律制度的核心,在估價的過程中起著統領全局的作用,是海關估價法律法規的指導方針。

That is to say , already bought public housing to appear on the market sell , lawfully after pay photograph custom duty is expended , income puts in property right person ' s charge all 也就是說,已購公有住房上市出售,依法繳納相關稅費后,收入歸產權人所有。

By which two is the custom duty quota in commerce comprised ? answer : cent of custom duty quota is quota of quota of favourable custom duty and blame privilege custom duty 貿易中的關稅配額是由哪兩項組成的?答:關稅配額分為優惠關稅配額和非優惠關稅配額。

Is i have product of a batch of electrons to want to carry from germany toward england i hear of an european union between the country is what do not set custom duty true 我有一批電子產品要從德國運往英國我聽說歐盟國家之間是不設關稅的是真的嗎?

The taxation of a kind of pay that value added tax is taxation puts in administration ' s charge partially , be like : custom duty , consumption tax , duty weighing a country 增值稅是稅收的一種繳納的稅收一部份歸中心政府,如:關稅、消費稅,稱國稅。

[ article 36 ] the consignee of import goods , the consignor of export goods and the owner of inbound and outbound articles are obligatory customs duty payer 第三十六條進口貨物的收貨人、出口貨物的發貨人、進出境物品的所有人,是關稅的納稅義務人。

Since 2004 the customs duty decline , the import foreign wine oncoming force fierceness , the more and more many foreign wine brand is entering the domestic market 自2004年關稅下調后,進口洋酒來勢兇猛,越來越多的洋酒品牌在進入國內市場。

For goods incurring losses before being granted access by the customs , customs duties may be reduced on the goods on the basis of the damages recognized by the customs 在海關放行前遭受損壞的貨物,可以根據海關認定的受損程度減征關稅。

Article 65 . provisions on levy of customs duties shall be applicable to the administration of levying of import links duties levied by the customs on behalf of another 第六十五條進口環節海關代征稅的征收管理,適用關稅征收管理的規定。

Exit of rolled steel regulation cannot drawback , hear exit is returned so that meet custom duty 10 % be ? ask which expert to be solved , be urgent ! ! ! ! ! 鋼材規定出口不能退稅了,聽說出口還得交關稅10 %是嗎?請哪位專家解答一下,急! ! ! ! !

For goods over which customs duties are exempted or reduced as specified by laws , the customs will grant duty exemptions or reduction in line with the regulations 法律規定的其他免征或者減征關稅的貨物,海關根據規定予以免征或者減征。

Article 5 . the consignee of imported goods , consignor of export goods , and owner of entry articles are parties held liable for paying customs duties 第五條進口貨物的收貨人、出口貨物的發貨人、進境物品的所有人,是關稅的納稅義務人。

The consignee of import goods , the consignor of export goods and the owner of inbound and outbound articles are obligatory customs duty payer 第三十六條進口貨物的收貨人、出口貨物的發貨人、進出境物品的所有人,是關稅的納稅義務人。

Article 36 . customs duties of import and export goods may be levied by means of ad valorem , specific duties , or otherwise specified by the state 第三十六條進出口貨物關稅,以從價計征、從量計征或者國家規定的其他方式征收。

If we will maintain and increase our trade with north america , we must take some corresponding countermeasures of our customs duties 我國要在保持對北美的貿易的基礎上,能有所增長,就必須在關稅制度上制定相應的對策。